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SMUD and Virtual Peaker Launch PowerMinder

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is no stranger to innovation, so collaborating with them to release one of the most […]

New England Is Seeing Incredible Electric Grid Transformation 2

New England Is Seeing Incredible Electric Grid Transformation

California and New York (rightfully) get a lot of the press on their energy transitions – but they don’t stand […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Ev charging program 2

Green Mountain Power’s EV Unlimited Program Featured in SEPA Report

Earlier this month, Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) put out the most comprehensive report to date on managed Electric Vehicle […]


Virtual Peaker @ AEP IlluminationLab

Every day, utilities face new challenges to innovate and manage a constantly changing energy landscape for customers and members. That’s […]

Virtual Peaker hosts inaugural Innovation Forum

Virtual Peaker hosts inaugural Innovation Forum

At Virtual Peaker we are incredibly fortunate to work with the most innovative utilities and partners in the country. So […]

Virtual Peaker

The Next Evolution of Virtual Peaker

2018 has been a big and exciting year for Virtual Peaker. We made substantial investments in our team, our technology, […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
Customer Engagement

Why Utilities Should Prioritize Customer Engagement

We at Virtual Peaker talk a lot about customer engagement – and with good reason. There is a rising tide […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Renewable Energy

How Renewable Energy Impacts the Future of Electricity Rates

There is little doubt that the electric utility industry is feeling the strongest disruptive forces in a century, whether that’s […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Press release image

Virtual Peaker Launches Real-Time Smart Device Arbitrage for Utilities

The solution represents the most advanced residential control on the market As part of its rapidly growing suite of utility […]


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We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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