
Team Q&A: Stacia Secreriat – Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist

Bill Burke blog author Bill Burke
Stacia Secreriat header

Since September 2021, we’ve been fortunate to have Oregonian transplant Stacia Secreriat on our growing marketing team. Secreriat shares our vision of working together to help fight the climate crisis. Please join me in formally welcoming our Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist, Stacia Secreriat!

How did your previous life prepare you for Virtual Peaker?

I’ve always been a risk-taker and innovative thinker, so the culture and mission of Virtual Peaker appealed to me. For nearly 10 years I’ve done digital marketing for SaaS companies, including start-ups. I’ve spent time in the data security, financial, and analytics sectors, learning the nuances of how to bring new products and features to the market. My favorite digital marketing areas revolve around creating user experiences across channels that weave a comprehensive story–giving the right message to the right persona when and where they need it.

Most recently, I took a big leap and ran my sole proprietorship as an independent astrologer. For two years, I created content and user experience for the biggest astrology apps in the market, taught classes, built a roster of private clients, as well as honed my writing skills by crafting horoscopes for various publications. It was a fulfilling adventure, but looking ahead at the transformative nature of the astrology of the 2020s, I was called to do something more. We’re in a collective pivotal moment to reshape the future of the planet, and either halt climate change or suffer grave consequences. When I found Virtual Peaker, I knew my skills could be leveraged in a bigger way to help create this change.

Tell us about your role at Virtual Peaker.

As Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, I have a hand in all of our online presence at Virtual Peaker, including our website, landing pages, organic search, social media, and collaborations with industry outlets like Utility Dive and Canary Media. I also help craft the overall funnel, which means thinking about how a person might first encounter us, what actions they might take, and how to guide them to the next content that’s most applicable to their interests. As an astrologer, I also keep the team apprised of those pesky Mercury retrogrades coming up.

How do you personally engage in sustainability efforts?

I’m the person at the grocery store who always brings reusable bags, and center conservation in most of my daily activities. I recently moved to Louisville from Portland, OR, and decided to buy most of my household items and furniture on community marketplaces instead of buying anything new. I spent 5 months this year in a small cabin in the forest in Northern Washington, and it helped me value the art of living with less. The Pacific Northwest forest fires last year were a real turning point for me to want to dedicate my time to solving the climate crisis. I love hiking, camping, and being outside, so suffering through toxic air quality and watching my favorite places burn was heartbreaking.

What can you tell us about yourself?

From kindergarten through my freshman year of college, I wanted to get politically involved and eventually be the first female president. I’ve since embraced that I’m too emotionally sensitive for a life in politics, so I don’t regret leaving that path. My cat Venus is both my home coworker and adventure buddy, walking outside on her leash every week. I love women’s soccer and college basketball (go Zags!) and often attend live games. Currently, my favorite pastimes are tending houseplants, exploring the outdoors, paper crafting, and playing Animal Crossing.

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About The Author
Bill Burke blog author

Bill is a serial entrepreneur with a PhD from UC Berkeley in Controls and Artificial Intelligence and 10 years of experience with high performance residential energy management and connected appliances. He was previously at GE as an Advanced Systems Engineer in the Connected Home Software Group, but left that role in May 2014 to pursue entrepreneurship full time.

Bill grew up in Louisville and returned with his family in 2010 after a long stint in the San Francisco Bay Area. He loves Louisville and is working to make it a better and more attractive city for high tech startups.

More About Bill

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