Smart Utilities Launch Demand Response Programs with Virtual Peaker
Modern utilities power their demand response programs with Virtual Peaker’s best-in-class software. Read their stories and learn how they’re shifting load, engaging customers, and forecasting demand with innovative technology.
Case Study: Texas Coop Leverages Enhanced Thermostats Controls to Capture Savings Amid Extreme Grid Pressures
Learn how Farmers Electric is leveraging Google Nest thermostats’ enhanced control capabilities inside Shift to increase savings and maintain customer comfort amid growing grid pressures in Texas.
Case Study: North Carolina’s Largest Electric Co-op Saves with DERs
Learn how EnergyUnited is leveraging connected thermostats to save their members energy and money using Virtual Peaker’s DERMS and Customer Engagement Suites.
Case Study: Demand Responsiveness Decreases Cost and Carbon
Learn how Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is optimizing hot water heater efficiency without sacrificing customer comfort and value using the Virtual Peaker platform and Shift's real-time control system.
Case Study: Integrated Smart Device Program Reduces Peak Load
GEPB’s demand response program helped reduce impact on peak demand charges and reduce peak load. This integrated smart device program included water heaters, thermostats, and residential batteries, saving average households money.
Case Study: Optimize the Grid While Increasing Customer Value
Learn how Green Mountain Power created a successful EV pilot, introduced TOU rates to their customers, and retained flexibility for their program to scale in the future.