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Customer Engagement

Why Utilities Should Prioritize Customer Engagement

We at Virtual Peaker talk a lot about customer engagement – and with good reason. There is a rising tide […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Renewable Energy

How Renewable Energy Impacts the Future of Electricity Rates

There is little doubt that the electric utility industry is feeling the strongest disruptive forces in a century, whether that’s […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Press release image

Virtual Peaker Launches Real-Time Smart Device Arbitrage for Utilities

The solution represents the most advanced residential control on the market As part of its rapidly growing suite of utility […]

GTM Grid Edge Innovation Awards

Virtual Peaker Receives Honorable Mention in 2018 GTM Grid Edge Innovation Awards

Greentech Media has selected Virtual Peaker and our work with Green Mountain Power for an honorable mention in this year’s Grid […]

In Energy, the Customer is King Once Again graphic

In Energy, the Utility Customer Engagement is King Once Again

The energy value chain has been in flux for decades, transitioning between integration, disintegration, and back again. These fluctuations have […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Press release image

Vermont Business Community Backs Virtual Peaker

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 30, 2018 Contact:  Jeff Quigley – – 781-696-0980 Vermont Business Community Backs Virtual Peaker New […]


Seven Louisville-area companies that raised money in February

Louisville-based Virtual Peaker Inc. makes a web-based platform through which utility companies can control internet-enabled appliances, such as window air […]


Louisville Company Capitalizes on “Death Spiral” in Utilities, Raises $1.2 million

Read a feature about our fundraising round in Louisville Business First!    


Virtual Peaker Featured in TechCrunch

We were in the news! The challenge is how to cut demand without causing discomfort or inconvenience. Virtual Peaker is […]


Learn More About How Our Tech Can Help You.

We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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