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Smart Winter Load Management Tips for Utilities

This tip sheet provides essential load management tips for surviving the cold months and managing peak demand, while keeping a resilient grid.

Topline Demand Control Overview Brochure

Optimize load shifting capacity with next-generation VPP capabilities with Topline Demand Control. Make demand as controllable as a gas turbine generator, starting with this overview.

Webinar Replay: Operationalizing DERs with Topline Demand Control, The Next Generation of VPPs

Watch this webinar for actionable recommendations to leverage the power of DERs with the next generation of virtual power plants.

Replay: Crushing Demand Response Enrollment and Participation

Watch this webinar replay for a strategic discussion on how to surpass enrollment goals and orchestrate effective marketing campaigns for BYOD programs.

Webinar Replay: Winter Peak Demand Response Strategies

Watch this webinar replay and hear from DER experts as they outline strategies and tips for alleviating stress on the grid during winter peak demand.

Gravity Connect Whitepaper

With the Gravity Connect API® , original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and utilities alike benefit from a robust, open spec API and market enablement tool, designed to lower costs and enhance the customer experience.

5 Steps for Engaging Homeowners in Demand Response Programs

Engage customers to enroll and participate in your demand response programs with these five proven steps.

Tips For Choosing an EV Managed Charging Solution

As a demand flexibility initiative, EV managed charging shifts EV charging times during periods of peak demand. Prioritize this checklist of features when evaluating your potential solutions.

Demand Response Program Landing Page Best Practices

These best practices will help you design an effective landing page to enroll customers in your demand response programs, leading to increased program enrollment.

Thermostat Demand Response Programs: 5 Proven Tips for DER Program Engagement

Use this guide to help boost enrollment and engagement in your thermostat demand response programs.

Your Guide to Demand Response Incentives

Use this guide to help design a DR incentive program that is effective, efficient, and meets the needs of both the utility and its customers.

8 Tips for Developing a Battery Pilot

Here are 8 tips to guide your battery pilot program design process and ensure you create an adaptable, future-proofed program.


Learn More About How Our Tech Can Help You.

We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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