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DistribuTech International 2022

What We Learned From DISTRIBUTECH International 2022

With our hectic travel schedule behind us, the Virtual Peaker team has had time to reflect on our experiences at […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
Eric Van Orden

Team Q&A: Eric Van Orden – Sales Director

Our Sales Director Eric Van Orden is no stranger to the utility industry, having studied and worked professionally in the […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
Utility Customer Service

The Value of Good Utility Customer Service

For years, I worked in utility customer service. The position gave me a greater understanding of the complexities of the […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
EV Telematics

What is EV Telematics?

Between the electrification initiatives that parallel global decarbonization efforts, and increased access to electric vehicles (EVs), the grid is increasingly […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Demand Response Program

How To Scale Your Demand Response Program

Congratulations! Your pilot demand response (DR) program is a success. Now, it’s time to take your next big step: Enrolling […]

VP of Marketing, Amber Mullaney
Amber Mullaney
Vice President of Marketing
Austin Bradford header

Team Q&A: Austin Bradford – Sales Executive

Austin Bradford believes in the power of sustainability initiatives no matter how big or small, and as our Sales Executive […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
Utility Customer Defection

What Is Utility Customer Defection?

Utility customer defection occurs when members or ratepayers use distributed energy resources (DERs), such as solar panels, to generate their […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Songs About The Sun

Solar Powered Jams: Songs About The Sun

As the song goes, the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home. Never is that more true than during […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
EV Telematics

What Does EV Telematics Mean for EV Load Management?

Utilities have often turned to demand flexibility or distributed energy resource (DER) programs to optimize available energy assets and reduce the […]

Greg Ledva, R&D Engineer
Greg Ledva
R&D Engineer
Battery Storage

The Past, Present, & Future of Battery Storage

As consumers migrate to personal distributed energy resources (DERs) like rooftop solar or electric vehicles (EVs) and their requisite charging […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist

The Sustainability & Economic Value of Planting Trees

The world has lost nearly ⅓ of its forests, more than half of which during the last century. While trees […]

Cameron Minch
Client Success Manager
Utility Industry Podcasts

10 Utility Industry Podcasts Worth Your Time  

Packed with information, easy to consume, engaging speakers, and ready to accompany your commute or exercise routine… yes, we’re referring […]

VP of Marketing, Amber Mullaney
Amber Mullaney
Vice President of Marketing


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We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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