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Playbook: Virtual Power Plants

The technology behind Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) is not new to utilities. However, they’re maturing to an inflection point where technology, regulations, and market conditions will drive rapid growth over the next five to 10 years. Learn more in this playbook.

Forbes logo

Keeping Up With The Kardashians: What Utilities Can Learn From (Gulp) Celebrities

Celebrities may not always deserve the outsized platforms they occupy, but they can do good from their perches.

Darnell McKinney Jr. recycling

Team Q&A: Darnell McKinney Jr. – Quality Assurance Intern

From his personal recycling efforts to his work fine-tuning our software, our Quality Assurance Intern Darnell McKinney Jr. is committed […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
Earth Day - electric vehicles

Earth Day Tips for Managing Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Every year on April 22nd, people all over the world come together to observe Earth Day. This global event is […]

Rachel Sanford
Rachel Sanford
Marketing Coordinator
energy efficiency

The Inflation Reduction Act, Distributed Energy Resources, & Energy Efficiency

Tax day may not be popular, but there’s a reason to celebrate new clean energy tax credits thanks to the […]

Alexandra Aznar
Alexandra Aznar
Director of Client Implementation
Ormónd Derrick regulatory policy

Team Q&A: Ormónd Derrick – Public Policy Intern

Our Public Policy Intern Ormónd Derrick has much to contribute to the energy industry, from their advocacy for regulatory policy […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
demand forecasting

Demystifying Demand Forecasting

Right now, the distributed energy resource (DER) and electric vehicle (EV) markets are experiencing exponential growth, whether as utilities work […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Rochester Public Utilities Taps Virtual Peaker to Deliver Bring Your Own Thermostat Program

Rochester Public Utilities Taps Virtual Peaker to Deliver Bring Your Own Device Thermostat Program

Virtual Peaker distributed energy platform was chosen for ease of implementation and cutting-edge technology features and functionality April 11, 2023; […]

utility program

The Customer Segmentation Strategy for Utility Program Managers

Developing a demand flexibility program, from demand response to managed charging and beyond is no small task. Perhaps one of […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team


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We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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