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Anne Ensign

Team Q&A: Anne Ensign – Junior Software Developer

From minimizing her carbon emissions to envisioning a better path forward with demand forecasting, Junior Developer Anne Ensign wants to […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
electric vehicles

The Environmental Impact of Combustion vs. Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs), are becoming an increasingly popular choice, with demand rising significantly each year. Part of the cause for […]

Charley Henson Guest Author blog author
Charley Henson
utility program

How To Market Your Utility Programs & Enhance Enrollment

Congrats! If you’re here, you either have or are considering a demand response (DR) or distributed energy resource (DER) program […]

Stacia Secreriat 3
Stacia Secreriat
Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist
Virtual Power Plants

Virtual Power Plants: Myth or Reality?

Since the first electric power grid, system operators have dreamed of leveraging the flexibility of the energy consumers connected to […]

Greg Ledva, R&D Engineer
Greg Ledva
R&D Engineer
Brenda Chew

Team Q&A: Brenda Chew – Director of Product Management

For seasoned utility professional, Brenda Chew, finding innovative ways to fight climate change is half the fun! As our Director […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO

What Is a Microgrid?

In the mid-1960s, Gordon Moore, CEO of Intel, noticed that the number of transistors that could fit into a dense […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
The Ghost of Utility Infrastructure Past

The Ghost of Utility Infrastructure Past

‘Tis the season for some cheesy holiday references. Today we’re reflecting on one more year in the books, both for […]

Kirsten Millar
Kirsten Millar
Director of Policy and Partnerships
Energy portfolio

Utilities! Diversify Your Energy Portfolio Now!

In the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change, world leaders have committed to ambitious decarbonization efforts that have […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Alexandra Aznar

Team Q&A: Alexandra Aznar: Director of Client Implementation

As our Director of Client Implementation, Alexandra Aznar helps our clients learn how to make the most out of our […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
demand flexibility

Breaking Down the Barriers to Residential Demand Flexibility Programs

Between global decarbonization efforts, the increased adoption of distributed energy resources (DER) such as solar PV, and The Inflation Reduction […]

Rachel Sanford
Rachel Sanford
Marketing Coordinator

How Can Utilities Get the Biggest Bang for their EV Buck? EV Telematics!

Utilities continue to (rightfully) focus their innovation and business development efforts (and dollars) on electric vehicles (EVs). With the proliferation […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
Demand Flexibility

The Evolution of Demand-Side Management: From Energy Efficiency to Demand Response to Demand Flexibility

To understand the distinction between demand response and demand flexibility, it helps to reflect on the origins of demand-side management. […]

Kirsten Millar
Kirsten Millar
Director of Policy and Partnerships


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