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utility program landing page

Best Practices to Launch a Utility Program Landing Page

As more renewable energy assets enter the global energy portfolio, utilities will have fresh opportunities to boost grid resilience, lower […]

Ana Bogdanova 2
Ana Bogdanova
Senior Product Manager
J.R. Enderle

Team Q&A: J.R. Enderle – Jr. Software Developer

J.R. Enderle has spent much of his professional life working as a communicator, which made him the perfect fit for […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
BYOD Utility Program

Best Practices for BYOD Utility Program Enrollment

To meet the increased demand brought on by electrification efforts, utilities have turned to distributed energy resources (DER) and demand […]

Anna Carvill
Anna Carvill
Director of Client Accounts
energy equity

Seeking & Amplifying Underrepresented Voices for Energy Equity

Prioritizing energy equity is transforming the way that some utilities are making decisions. To bolster and accelerate those efforts, it’s […]

Kirsten Millar
Kirsten Millar
Director of Policy and Partnerships
women in energy

Women in Energy: Celebrating International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, a celebration that as you might have guessed recognizes the incredible accomplishments of women around […]

VP of Marketing, Amber Mullaney
Amber Mullaney
Vice President of Marketing

Team Q&A: Erika Wiggins – Client Success Implementation Lead

From helping customers with the tools that they need to call their DER event, to raising chickens, Erika Wiggins is […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
demand response snapback

What Is Demand Response Snapback?

If you’re reading this, you likely know that demand response (DR) is a time-tested and effective way to manage electricity […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
It Can't Happen Without Battery Storage

It Still Can’t Happen Without Battery Storage

In 2019, Bloomberg ran an article about the increasing preponderance—and necessity—for more battery storage. While the nuances of that article […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
EV infrastructure

Range Wars: EV Infrastructure is Coming

Driving home today, I clocked at least three Teslas on the road, all at a casual glance. I’m not what […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Natalie Orner

Team Q&A: Natalie Orner – Client Success Representative

Connecting with others is essential to Natalie Orner. Whether it’s through her work as a yoga instructor or as our […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO

What Are Agrovoltaics?

Interest in renewable energies continues to rise to meet consumer demand, as 8% of all U.S. homeowners have solar installations […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
demand baselining

Intro to Demand Baselining 101

With demand up and wild temperature fluctuations increasingly the norm, utilities have turned to distributed energy resource (DER) clean energy […]

Anna Carvill
Anna Carvill
Director of Client Accounts


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We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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