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Winter demand response

Demand Response is For All Seasons

The effects of climate change have proven particularly evident over the last decade, as the last nine years were the […]

Stacia Secreriat 3
Stacia Secreriat
Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist
renewable energy investment

Key Renewable Energy Investment Trends Innovative Utilities Can’t Ignore

Global investments in renewable energy have steadily risen over the last decade from $1.07b invested in 2015 to 1.74b invested […]

default auther image
Amanda Zhang
Former Marketing Intern
demand flexibility

How to Meet Rising Peak Energy Through Demand Flexibility

According to the Short Term Energy Outlook report from the U.S Energy Information Administration research indicates that power consumption will […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist

Profile of a Founder

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Dr. William Burke (founder and CEO) of Virtual Peaker, which was honored in our: 2024 Best Tech […]

demand flexibility

The West Is on Fire: We Need To Adopt More Demand Flexibility Strategies

In 2020, we started this article with “Across the western United States, wildfires are raging,” which remains true today. In […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
distributed energy resources

Why Grid Operators Are Skeptical of Distributed Energy Resources (& Why They Shouldn’t Be Now)

The U.S. power grid has proven particularly reliable over time, providing an average of 99.95% year-round reliability, with the total […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
Virtual Peaker speaks at AESP Canadian events.

Virtual Peaker to Showcase Demand Flexibility and DER Innovations at Canadian Conferences

Association for Energy Services Professionals (AESP) Taps Into Virtual Peaker Experts for EVDX Solutions Lab Canada and Summer Con Events. […]

demand response education

Why Educating Utility Customers is Crucial to Demand Response

As anyone in the renewable energy space can attest, describing the nuances of distributed energy resources (DER) or load shifting […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist

4 Tips for Finding the Right DERMS This Global Energy Independence Day

The history of fuel sources is as vast as it is fascinating. One of the earliest forms of energy generation […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist


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