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Ani Backa, U.S. Director of Utilities, Regulatory, & Legislative Initiatives for sonnen, Talks DERs (1 of 3)

Virtual Peaker had the distinct pleasure to talk recently with Ani Backa, U.S. Director, Utilities, Regulatory, and Legislative Initiatives at […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Team Q&A: Kurt Strecker - Software Developer 2

Team Q&A: Kurt Strecker – Software Developer

Building a sustainable future is top of mind for everyone at Virtual Peaker, and integral to the work of software […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
carbon emission

Is the Tipping Point For Carbon Getting Closer?

In October 2019, we shared two studies on this blog from the Rocky Mountain Institute that posed a provocative question: […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Team Q&A: Sasha Ndlovu - Client Success Manager 3

Team Q&A: Sasha Ndlovu – Client Success Manager

As our team continues to grow, we felt it was important to begin introducing its newest members. Committed to customer […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
cityscape highway night time image

Join Virtual Peaker at the Gulf Coast Power Association Conference

Virtual Peaker’s Founder and CEO Bill Burke will be appearing at the Gulf Coast Power Association (GCPA) Conference as one […]

Josh Castonguay, VP of Innovation, Green Mountain Power

Policy, Technology, and People: Sampling Virtual Peaker’s Innovation Forum

Energy delivery hasn’t changed much in the last century, but now the industry’s experiencing rapid disruption as we push for […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
utility program SMS texting

New Feature: SMS Text Messaging

Every year, the J.D. Power Electric Utility Business Customer Satisfaction Study is released to help utilities understand their customers’ needs […]

Sasha_VP_Staff-3 1
Sasha Ndlovu
Client Success Manager
What’s a GEB, and Why Does It Matter?

What are Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) & Why Do They Matter?

Utilities of any size, including smaller munis and coops, can have an enormous impact on climate change through the implementation […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
SEPA Snapshot: Demand Response Market Expected to Soar

SEPA Snapshot: Demand Response Market Expected to Soar

Customers are increasingly enrolling in—even demanding—demand flexibility programs, and their hunger for options to reduce or shift their electricity usage […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions


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