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utility program

Your Utility Program Software Vendor RFP Checklist

Although involved, the request for proposal (RFP) process is an excellent starting point to determine the best fit for your […]

Ben Brosnan 2
Ben Brosnan
Director of Sales Engineering
Kindra Thomas carbon footprint

Team Q&A: Kindra Thomas – Sales Operations Manager

From reducing her carbon footprint to streamlining our sales processes, our Sales Operations Manager Kindra Thomas is committed to fighting […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
demand response program

How To Boost Enrollment in Your Demand Response Programs

Launching a demand response program is only half the battle. Planning, executing, and measuring results is its own endeavor. The […]

Stacia Secreriat 3
Stacia Secreriat
Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist
grid-interactive efficient building

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) & Why Do They Matter?

Utilities of any size, including smaller municipal and electric cooperatives, can have an enormous impact on climate change. Both through […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
peak shaving

What is Peak Shaving?

In 2022, the U.S. consumed 4.05 trillion kWh in electricity, a figure that is 14 times higher than it was […]

Rachel Sanford
Rachel Sanford
Marketing Coordinator

Demand Response Program Landing Page Best Practices

These best practices will help you design an effective landing page to enroll customers in your demand response programs, leading to increased program enrollment.

Ellie Hands climate change

Team Q&A: Ellie Hands – Proposal Manager

Ellie Hands has spent her professional career trying to find the best way to help the community around her. As […]

Bill Burke
Founder & CEO
distributed energy resource management system (DERMS)

How to Evaluate Which Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) Vendor is Right For You

Distributed energy generation is expected to hit a value of $580.8b by 2027, which reflects the broader adoptions of distributed […]

VP of Marketing, Amber Mullaney
Amber Mullaney
Vice President of Marketing
Managed Charging

The Changing Rural Landscape: Cooperatives, EVs, & Managed Charging

Rural electric co-ops are embracing the growing electric vehicle (EV) market trends and increased infrastructural support, driven equally by prosumer […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team


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We’re empowering modern utilities to accelerate grid modernization using the friendliest distributed energy resources platform on the planet.

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