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Team Q&A: Brenda Chew – Director of Product Management

…my research background comes in handy with customer discovery interviews to help inform what we build next and the existing needs and pain points utilities and other industry stakeholders are…

Ask An Expert: Virtual Power Plants, Reliability, & AI

…is AI used in Virtual Power Plant Strategies? Greg Ledva: Whew, a simple question with a complicated answer. We might have to start with what “AI” actually means, given how…

Team Q&A: Elijha Gordon – Software Engineer Intern

…teams to develop software solutions. I also completed a Coding Bootcamp at the University of Minnesota, where I developed both front-end and back-end skills. This comprehensive training is reflective of…

It Can’t Happen Without Battery Storage

cloudy days. Storage remains one of the three critical components to the carbon-free triad: renewable energy sources, low-cost storage, and demand-side management. Mary Powell, the CEO of Green Mountain Power…

The Costs of Outsourcing Your Demand Response Program Management

…Again, third-party vendors add a layer of 3rd party complexity between you and your customers With increased challenges to energy security and the rise in cybersecurity threats, utilities must take…

How Renewable Energy Impacts the Future of Electricity Rates

…spectrum. A utility must weigh financial risk against customer satisfaction; it must balance operational complexity against billing complexity. It is not an easy choice, but several utilities have started offering…

Zero Emissions Day: EV Charging & Beyond

…healthier planet for generations to come. Debunking the Myth: Electric Vehicles & Environmental Impact Electric vehicles have been hailed as a game-changer in the quest to reduce carbon emissions and

How To Manage Generation & Transmission Demand Flexibility Programs Under a Single Umbrella

…which is compounded by global electrification efforts that add further encumbrance to the grid. These challenges are surmountable through several strategies, from adding more distribution lines to employing demand flexibility…

Energy Decarbonization is Everyone’s Challenge

…by 100 companies. These companies are often important to our global infrastructure, typically who work in fossil fuel production, and as such, aren’t just something that can be discarded quickly…

Team Q&A: Austin Bradford – Sales Executive

…Virtual Peaker? I have served in customer-facing roles for 15 years across multiple companies and industries. My experience has taught me the importance of the customer experience and given me…

Team Q&A: Greg Ledva – Director Emerging Technologies

…problems and figuring out complex puzzles. As a research and development engineer at Virtual Peaker, I’m able to leverage my research and commercialization background to think through what businesses need….

Team Q&A: Aubrey Allehoff – Software Engineering Team Lead

…software development provides the opportunity to engage in a raw version of problem solving and solution building that appeals to my love of communication. I find many cross-competencies when comparing…