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The Costs of Outsourcing Your Demand Response Program Management

…of 984.13 GWh in total electricity conserved. These figures indicates not only customer interest in enrollment but a commitment that led to significant energy conservation savings. Combined with the increased…

Demand Flexibility All Source Procurement VS Individual Program Procurement

…platform aggregates all behind-the-meter DER assets at the grid’s edge—residential, business, and commercial properties—and complements Grid DERMS. Together, these two DERMS cover the entire scope of DER possibilities, whether they…

The Virtual Peaker Platform in 2024 & Beyond

…utilizing renewable energy. Both of these examples emphasize the importance of load management as a non-wires alternative to what would otherwise cost trillions in infrastructure upgrades. On top of that,…

How Digital Incentive Processing Can Benefit Your Utility Operation

for common communications. Beyond just alerting customers to opportunities to commit to a program or event deployment, the right messaging tools can share information meant to educate customers on if…

The Value of Good Utility Customer Service

community. As such, ESG ratings look at the full scope of a company’s actions, which can lead to significant losses in rank. For electric companies, the ESG index ties into…

Team Q&A: Aubrey Allehoff – Software Engineering Team Lead

…software development provides the opportunity to engage in a raw version of problem solving and solution building that appeals to my love of communication. I find many cross-competencies when comparing…

It Still Can’t Happen Without Battery Storage

…including compressed air energy storage, mechanical gravity energy storage, and flow batteries to name a few of the more common current design types. New technologies include mobile utility-scale batteries, innovations…

Team Q&A: Zachary Menefee – Junior Software Developer

…to coordinate and move the company toward our sustainability and community outreach goals. What can you tell us about yourself? In my free time, I have a lot of activities…

International Day of Climate Action: Energy Efficiency Tips To Fight Climate Change

…responsibility to safeguard the planet for future generations. Carbon-free sources, including renewables and nuclear power, contributed to 90% of last year’s global growth in electricity generation, underlining the urgency of…

What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Virtual Peaker

communities. Enabling rural electric coops to directly receive tax credits and providing clean energy and energy efficiency funding through the USDA will help these communities fund essential projects that will…

In Energy, the Utility Customer Engagement is King Once Again

The energy value chain has been in flux for decades, transitioning between integration, disintegration, and back again. These fluctuations have been driven by a number of factors — changing commodity…

3 Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) Models

…needs. Connecting DERs to your demand response (DR) programs adds a level of complexity to your efforts as you consider time, cost, and the speed of technological change required to…