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The Inflation Reduction Act, Distributed Energy Resources, & Rural Coops

…climate targets, the passage of the IRA has accelerated the investment in clean energy in rural regions. With new carbon-free projects coming online, distributed energy resources (DERs) will be at…

Demand Flexibility & The High Cost of Upgrading the Grid

…perpetuating inefficiencies and increasing operational costs. The growing financial burden and potential risks associated with an outdated grid pose severe consequences, from national security vulnerabilities to a compromised infrastructure that…

How To Boost Enrollment in Your Demand Response Programs

…In this case, greater participation rates correlate directly to decreased energy costs and the improved energy security that your customers want. Tips for Boosting Enrollment in Your Demand Response Program…

Everything You Need to Know About Opting Out of Demand Response Events

…better. Customer Communications Once a demand response is scheduled, utility program managers can communicate event information like the time, duration, and device type to customers, alerting them to an upcoming…

Is the Tipping Point For Carbon Getting Closer?

…of large utilities already have committed to carbon-free power, including Arizona Public Service, DTE Energy, Duke Energy, NRG Energy, PSEG, and Xcel Energy. Were some of these companies and their…

Are Consumers Engaging with Their Energy Usage Data?

…with their utilities (that’s just 40 seconds per month) was a commonly recited axiom for years in the industry; however, the new research suggests that those days are long gone….

Summer Recap: How Demand Flexibility Initiatives Helped!

…– By contrast, a Grid-Edge DERMS manages behind-the-meter DER assets found at the edge of the grid: in residential, business, or commercial spaces. Both Grid and Grid-Edge DERMS complement one…

The Difference Between EVSE Chargers & EV Telematics

…erratic, and that trend will only continue with more EVs on the road. With more electric vehicles, come denser, more complicated charging patterns. EV commuters and travelers will need to…

Demand Response Strategies for Winter Peaking

…you’re communicating with your customer base to discover their usage behavior and potential needs. Communicate and educate about your demand response program through all of your marketing channels, website, and

The Sustainability & Economic Value of Planting Trees

…Furthermore, replanting trees can improve environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) scores, which is beneficial in improving credit ratings for utility companies. Utility Operations & Trees For many utility companies,…

3 Use Cases For Flexible Dispatching of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)

…reason: these same personal energy assets add both encumbrance and complexity to an already taxed national grid infrastructure. At the moment, the U.S. national grid is struggling to keep up…

Team Q&A: Ian Herrera – Software Development Intern

…of support to the local development community, and I am happy to share a home, here, with many other Code Louisville grads, who come from a diverse array of technical…