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What is Load Forecasting?

…in the future. An example of time series analysis is a SARMA model that captures the Seasonal, AutoRegressive, and Moving Average components of a time series. Machine learning models for

How Utility Customer Engagement Helps

…willing to change their behaviors, so the real changes must happen in the cloud and behind the scenes. Fixed schedules just don’t work—delivering energy (and more importantly, reasonably priced comfort)…

What is a Virtual Power Plant?

…chargers). For example, imagine if a utility provider could tap into the additional energy generated or stored by individual prosumer power production. Because of improvements in information and communication technologies…

How To Scale Your Demand Response Program

…when they can compare their results with those of their neighbors, everyone benefits as a community working together to create a more sustainable planet. Peer pressure works! Message centers help…

Webinar Recap: The Intersection of Rate Design & Distributed Energy Resources

…when it comes to their energy needs, and sources. This can be seen very clearly in California with Community Choice Aggregation, where communities are buying their energy locally and at…

Q&A With Mark Dyson, Managing Director of RMI’s Carbon-Free Electricity Program, on Virtual Power Plants & Beyond

…to provide VPPs access to bid into and compete in wholesale markets. Successful implementation of Order 2222 hinges on RTOs making rules that efficiently integrate and fairly compensate DER aggregation,…

Adding New Device Types to Your Demand Flexibility Program(s)

…while strengthening grid resiliency. The most common program is demand response, which, through decades of data, demonstrates the efficacy of this conservation strategy. For a recent example, in 2022, more…

Key Takeaways from the Virtual Peaker 2023 Empower Innovation Forum

…this, your feet hurt, you’ve made many new friends and professional connections, and of course – your brain is fried from the overload of new information you’ve obtained! Rest assured,…

Achieving More Demand Flexibility Requires Mastering the Resource Planning Process

…that they are a reliable replacement for supply-side peaking assets. Another issue is compensation for load reductions, which doesn’t always reflect the value of the customer’s contribution. For example, a…

Why Your Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) Supports Multiple Utility Teams

for many teams within a utility. Types of DER Programs There are many viable demand flexibility programs useful to utility operations. Perhaps the most common is demand response, a time-tested…

Ask An Expert: Virtual Power Plants, Reliability, & AI

…is AI used in Virtual Power Plant Strategies? Greg Ledva: Whew, a simple question with a complicated answer. We might have to start with what “AI” actually means, given how…

What is a Distributed Energy Resource (DER)?

…are technologies that comprise and compliment the personal energy ecosystem. Examples of DER technologies include battery storage, wind generating units, electric vehicle (EV) charging, rooftop photovoltaic solar, and smart home…