Virtual Peaker and CoServ Expand Summer A/C Demand Response Program

Louisville, KY, and Corinth, TX – Virtual Peaker, a cloud-based energy management platform, has teamed up with CoServ, the second-largest electric cooperative in Texas, to support CoServ’s residential demand response program.
Virtual Peaker provides the software platform for CoServ’s Rush Hour Rewards, which already has enrolled close to 20,000 thermostats.
When there’s high demand during the afternoon “energy rush hour,” CoServ and Virtual Peaker help customers avoid the increased demand for cooling that can drive up power costs which are then passed through on future electric bills. Instead of abruptly shutting off the A/C, smart thermostats cool down the house prior to the surge in energy demand based on prior usage patterns. The temperature can be tweaked to balance comfort, customer energy savings, and the electric grid. Participating households earn credits on their bills, are notified in advance of events, and always have the option to manually change the temperature.
Both Virtual Peaker and CoServ are known for their innovative approaches to energy management. Virtual Peaker’s software is designed to harness smart solutions that drive operational value and advance the transition to renewable energy, utilizing everything from grid-connected smart water heaters to residential electric vehicle charging stations. CoServ was among the first cooperative electric utilities in the country to use smart thermostats to reduce energy usage during peak hours that can save money for customers while keeping them comfortable.
“At Virtual Peaker, we love to work with innovative utilities like CoServ to leverage technology that can transform the energy operating system,” said William (Bill) Burke, Virtual Peaker founder, and CEO. “We’re partnering with CoServ to explore opportunities to expand their demand response capabilities, including additional smart thermostat manufacturers and devices to save even more energy and money while protecting the planet.”
“We’re owned by the members we serve, so we’re always looking for ways to bring value to their connected homes,” said Mario Zavala, CoServ spokesman. “Our partnership with Virtual Peaker leverages the company’s advanced demand response capabilities so that we can continue to deliver excellent service and innovative energy solutions.”