End-to-End DER Management Solutions for the Modern Utility

  • Shift DERMS Suite – With Shift, utilities can utilize real-time machine learning to optimize demand events, control devices, and enhance your distributed energy resource (DER) strategies.
  • Relay Customer Engagement Suite – The Relay Suite is designed to connect your utility operation with the people that count the most, the customers, through SMS texting, email, and so much more. 
  • Envision Forecasting Suite – Our Envision Forecasting Suite is there to assist utilities in predicting their impending energy needs to determine potential demand event times better and better manage energy purchases. 

North Carolina’s Largest Electric Co-op Saves with DERs

Learn how EnergyUnited is leveraging connected thermostats to save their members energy and money using Virtual Peaker’s DERMS and Customer Engagement Suites.

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Demand Response Decreases Cost and Carbon

See how Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is optimizing hot water heater efficiency without sacrificing customer comfort using the Virtual Peaker platform and Shift’s real-time control system.

Read the case study

Optimize the Grid While Increasing Customer Value

Learn how Green Mountain Power created a successful EV pilot, introduced TOU rates to their customers, and retained flexibility for their program to scale in the future.

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