
Top 7 Reasons To Attend Virtual Peaker’s Innovation Forum

Jeff Quigley blog author Jeff Quigley
Top 7 Reasons To Attend Virtual Peaker’s Innovation Forum

Virtual Peaker’s second annual Innovation Forum is fast approaching.

Here are the top seven reasons why you should book your trip now to Louisville for the October 21-23 gathering.

7. Become a world-class innovator. 

For the third year in a row, Fast Company named Green Mountain Power one of the top 10 most innovative energy companies in the world. Find out how your company can put innovation into practice by attending our GMP-led half-day innovation workshop.

6. Bridge the policy-tech gap.

Discover how to bring policy and grid-edge technology together with representatives from GMP, Navigant, and the Kentucky Public Service Commission.

5. Learn how to design great programs.

Find out how to create flexible load programs from experts at DNV-GL and VEIC.

4. Engage your customers.

Constellation Energy and SMUD will share their secrets to innovation and customer engagement.

3. Enable technologies—and growth.

Join the tech discussion led by reps from OEMs including Sonnen, AddEnergie, e-Radio, and GE Appliances to discover your next strategic initiative.

2. Experience Louisville.

Welcome to Bourbon City, one of TripAdvisor’s top 20 places to visit in the country!

And now, drum roll please . ..

1. Attend free of charge!

There is no cost for Virtual Peaker customers to participate in the forum, and only $499/person for non-customers who want to gather with utility experts, policy specialists, program implementers, and energy buffs from around the country to discuss the future of the energy industry. 

Still undecided? Watch the highlights from Virtual Peaker’s inaugural Innovation Forum last year, and contact us with any questions. We hope to see you in Louisville next month!

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About The Author
Jeff Quigley blog author

Jeff is the VP of Sales for Virtual Peaker. He has spent his entire career in energy and data analytics where he has led teams working with utilities, government agencies, oil and gas companies, and financial institutions to help drive growth strategy and manage energy transition. He has worked with a team of analysts in developing an integrated resource plan (IRP) for a major U.S. vertically integrated utility, with a focus on load forecasting, locational marginal pricing (LMP) prediction, and long-term grid reliability. He has also managed the development of marketing and growth strategy for one of the four largest global oil and gas firms with a focus on the long-term viability of the Asian market-entry strategy.

More About Jeff

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