Our Software Development Intern Mike Weatherford loves a challenge, which is why he took up coding! Here, Mike applies his talents to making things a little easier for our utility partners! From his commitment to less fossil fuels to his work building a better tomorrow, join us in welcoming Mike to the Virtual Peaker team!
How did your previous life prepare you for Virtual Peaker?
I’ve always loved solving puzzles and problems. To me, nothing in the world is better than the feeling of figuring out something you first thought was impossible. So when I found out about Code Kentucky/Code Louisville a year ago, I took advantage of it immediately. So far, I have completed the Software Development and the Web Development courses with the intention of one day returning to be a mentor. In the area of non-tech preparation, I’ve held several jobs in my life where working as a team has been a high priority.
Tell us about your role at Virtual Peaker.
I’m a Software Development Intern at Virtual Peaker developing new functionality for our platform from updating a sentence on a static page to adding a filter component that allows someone to get exactly the right information they need in a field of results. It’s challenging and I love it.
How do you personally engage in sustainability efforts?
Unless necessary, I will usually opt to walk to a destination as opposed to driving. I live in a city that gives me that opportunity often and even if I need to drive, I will often try to carpool or rideshare. It’s good exercise, it’s one less car on the road and it’s a great opportunity to get caught up on podcasts I am behind on. Win win win!
We also make a strong effort to recycle in our house and when it’s applicable, we will open our doors and windows instead of heating and cooling with our central air.
What can you tell us about yourself?
I’m an avid collector of records, cassettes and CD’s. My dad is a huge music fan and he passed that onto me bigtime. I like any genre but right now, I’m listening to a lot of jazz, ambient, and metal. I (try) to watch every movie I can, especially if it’s a crime thriller or a heady drama that requires multiple viewings to really understand what’s happening. For reference to either of the aforementioned movie genres, see Michael Clayton. I love to run and would include finishing the Flying Pig Half Marathon to be one of my biggest accomplishments. The medal I won is hanging proudly on my wall and the entire pizza I ate after the race was excellent.