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demand response education

Why Educating Utility Customers is Crucial to Demand Response

As anyone in the renewable energy space can attest, describing the nuances of distributed energy resources (DER) or load shifting […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist

Watch These Residential Demand Response Trends

If executed properly, demand flexibility programs like demand response (DR) programs, EV managed charging, or virtual power plants are increasingly […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Utility Industry Podcasts

Utility Industry Podcasts Worth Listening To Right Now

What’s packed with information, easy to consume, engaging speakers, and ready to accompany your commute or exercise routine? Why yes, […]

VP of Marketing, Amber Mullaney
Amber Mullaney
Vice President of Marketing
demand response smart thermostats

How Are Thermostats Used For Demand Response?

A quick search for “demand response” as a news item tells you plenty about the decades-old load management strategy. The […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
demand response

What Our Recent Webinar Taught Us About Marketing Demand Response Programs

Whether connecting with new utilities or sharing ideas at conferences, one common refrain from program managers is that demand response […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
demand response water heaters

How Are Water Heaters Used For Demand Response?

A recent EPA report found that buildings powered by fossil fuels account for around 11% of total carbon emissions in […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
demand response programs

Residential Demand Response Programs Need Better Device Control

Utility resident demand response (DR) programs have evolved in many ways over the years. Initially focused on direct load controllers […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
Demand response

Everything You Need to Know About Opting Out of Demand Response Events

Meeting demand proves a little more difficult every year, as utilities have to balance electrification and decarbonization efforts, stress from […]

Ana Bogdanova 2
Ana Bogdanova
Senior Product Manager
distributed energy resources (AAE)

Ask An Expert: How Distributed Energy Resources Can Help With Grid Congestion

It’s a new year and we’re trying something a little different. Our Ask an Expert series is an opportunity to […]

Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Team
Virtual Peaker Helps GMP Build First-in-the-Nation Back-Up Battery

3 Things You Need to Turn a Demand Response Pilot into a Program

Demand response (DR) programs are critical in optimizing energy consumption and ensuring grid reliability. While pilot projects provide valuable insights, […]

Jeff Quigley
Sr. Vice President of Customer Solutions
demand-side management

The History of Demand-Side Management

Demand-side management (DSM) is one of several phrases that serve to broadly identify opportunities for energy flexibility within the electric […]

Syd Bishop 1
Syd Bishop
Senior Content Specialist
demand flexibility

Achieving More Demand Flexibility Requires Mastering the Resource Planning Process

Utilities across the US are positioning themselves to manage customer demand in concert with supply-side resource portfolios. Demand flexibility programs […]

 blog author
David Millar


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