
Start Planning Today For Tomorrow With The Envision Forecasting Suite

Get the very most out of the Shift Grid-Edge DERMS suite with the Envision Forecasting suite. Envision uses real-time and historical data to provide actionable insights for grid operators to plan ahead! When combined with the Shift Grid-Edge DERMS suite, utilities can access Topline Demand Control, a novel innovation that optimizes behind-the-meter DER assets ensuring a reliable outcome for grid operators.

Actionable Insights

Enable seamless transitions from forecasting energy usage to scheduling and communication, adapt to evolving data needs, and offer comprehensive insights through unified dashboards. Adjust demand events to meet changing needs, while planning for both real-time portfolio management and long-term power purchasing strategies.

Comprehensive Data

View all your data in one centralized command center, including event information load forecasts, weather data, and both historical and real-time information through easy-to-read dashboards and intuitive interfaces. Use long-term forecasting to plan for peak events, load-balancing needs, and to reduce purchasing costs

Demand Flexibility

Manage everything from long-term load purchasing to monthly demand flexibility event adjustments with one unified solution. Plan and adjust programs at any interval—hourly, daily, or weekly—to achieve your annual purchasing goals, while simplifying TOU rate management and more.

Add the Envision forecasting suite to your load management strategy today.

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